About Us

We are non profit charity organization.
The Michael Miller Memorial Foundation was created to keep the memory of my son Michael alive. We want to support the local sports community that he was active in and supported us through the best and the worst times. We want to give to other children suffering from cancer by helping them have a little fun while they are stuck in the hospital for treatment. We also want to fund childhood cancer research. We NEED to find a cure so other families don’t have to lose their children to this horrible disease.
What has the Michael Miller Memorial Foundation Accomplished?
- In 2017
54 “Big Mike’s Sacs for Life” to Mott’s Children’s Hospital. In 2018
108 “Big Mike’s Sacs for Life” to Mott’s Children’s Hospital
$600 to The Cure Starts Now Fulfilled Michael’s Last Wish and Funded a Bowling Team at Battle Creek Central High School.In 2019
Gave over $8000 to Koschmann’s Lab at U of M
Gave $3000 to ChadTough
Gave $1500 to The Cure Starts Now
108 “Big Mike’s Sacs for Life” to Mott’s Children’s Hospital
Spoiled 3 deserving children suffering from cancer at the Casting Hope for a Cure Fishing Tournament Funded the 2019-2020 Bowling Team at Battle Creek Central High School